PC200 Strategic Plan – Process & Timeline
Quiet Phase – Spring/Summer 2016: The College’s senior leadership and Board of Trustees discuss the process for PC’s next Strategic Plan
Launch – Fall 2016/Winter 2017: The College president launches the process, names co-chairs, and creates two broadly representative strategic planning committees, including faculty, staff, and students: the Strategic Plan Steering Committee and the Future of Higher Education Research Team; as work begins the Strategic Plan is named “PC200”
- Launch email to campus: 9/7/2016
Discover and Envision – Winter/Spring/Summer 2017: The research team gathers and curates evidence related to the future of higher education and the higher education landscape (external lens); the College’s CIHE/NEASC reaccreditation self-study process identifies issues for PC200 consideration (internal audit against Commission Standards); the steering committee initiates “big thinking” sessions for on- and off-campus constituents (individuals, groups); in-person, written, and online feedback opportunities are created; the strategic plan portal website and research findings website are built; more than 1,000 people participated
• Process and timeline email to campus: 1/19/2017
Landscape Report Released – Spring 2017: The research team publishes its report
- Landscape presentation to campus: 3/29/2017
- PC200 update email to campus: 5/5/2017
Prioritization and Goal Setting – Summer 2017/Fall 2017: The PC200 “Vision & Goals” draft is prepared; the steering committee initiates feedback sessions for on- and off-campus constituents (individuals, groups); in-person, written, and online feedback opportunities are created
- Board of Trustees debrief/PC200 update email to campus: 6/15/2017
- Board of Trustees debrief/CIHE-NEASC reaccreditation visit update/PC200 update email to campus: 10/5/2017
- PC200 update, including PC200 vision & goals draft, email to campus: 10/30/2017
Draft PC200 Plan Released – Winter 2018/Spring 2018: Various PC200 drafts are prepared; the first made available to the campus community for feedback in March 2018; feedback sessions also are held with on- and off-campus engagement councils and constituents; the consulting firm Art & Science is engaged to update the College’s financial aid analysis and to identify those academic and student-life initiatives in the PC200 draft that may have the greatest potential to strengthen PC’s competitive positioning; a comprehensive package, including landscape data and Plan financing is developed for the President’s Senior Cabinet and the Board of Trustees
- Board of Trustees debrief/PC200 update email to campus: 2/9/2018
- PC200 draft available email to campus: 3/12/2018
PC200 Finalized – Summer 2018/Fall 2018: PC200 drafts continued to be reviewed, refined, and published, and the preamble and metrics are added to the Plan; one such draft is provided to the Board of Trustees and the campus community in June 2018; Huron Consulting Group is engaged to provide outside, independent perspective on the viability of PC200, as well as coordinate and provide assistance with the Board of Trustees’ and the President’s Senior Cabinet’s Plan review and engagement; the Board and Cabinet are presented the latest draft during the September Board meeting, at which Huron presents; additional PC200 drafts are published and made available for comment in October (10/2, 10/3, 10/16) and community drop-in sessions and an all-faculty feedback meeting are hosted; the *final* PC200 draft is published and made available in early November; in total, as of 11/8/2018, the strategic plan portal site had 912 unique viewers and 2,452 site visits
- Board of Trustees debrief/PC200 update email to campus: 6/22/2018
- Board of Trustees debrief/PC200 update email to campus: 10/3/2018
- PC200 update email to faculty with request for final comments: 11/5/2018
PC200 was approved by the Providence College Board of Trustees, by online vote, in November 2018.